12/2020 We received a seed grant to study electric vehicle impacts on infrastructure through the RISE: Resilient Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity interdisciplinary research theme at CU Boulder.

12/2020 Dr. Baker moderated a panel on COVID-19 and the power grid, co-hosted by Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI) and Colorado Energy Research Collaboratory.

12/2020 Our paper, "Sensitivity Analysis of Photovoltaic System Design Parameters to Passively Mitigate Ramp Rates," was accepted into the IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics.

12/2020 In collaboration with NREL, our paper, "Learning-Accelerated ADMM for Distributed DC Optimal Power Flow," was accepted into IEEE Control Systems Letters.

11/2020 Dr. Baker was a panelist and presented for the Climate Change AI and the Energy Innovation Network on "Optimizing Large- Scale Grids in Real-Time with ML."

11/2020 Dr. Baker gave a virtual seminar at Newcastle University entitled "From Transmission to Thermostat: Integrated Building/Grid Operations."

10/2020 PhD student Kaitlyn Garifi successfully passed her PhD defense. Congrats, Dr. Garifi!

10/2020 In collaboration with ETH Zurich, our journal paper, "Consumer privacy protection using flexible thermal loads: Theoretical limits and practical considerations", was accepted was accepted for publication in in Applied Energy.

10/2020 Dr. Baker was a guest on and presented for The Institute of Science and Policy and Denver Museum of Nature and Science's webinar on "The Future of Energy: Grid Innovations."

9/2020 Our patent, "Network-cognizant voltage droop control," was issued on Sept. 22 with the U.S. Patent Office, receiving U.S. Patent No. 10,784,682 B2.

9/2020 Dr. Baker is a Guest Editor for the Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, special issue on "Power Systems with Increasing Renewable Penetration: Market, Operations, Planning and Regulation." Consider submitting!

8/2020 Dr. Baker gave a talk on "Learning-Boosted Optimal Power Flow" at the Workshop on Autonomous Energy Systems at NREL (virtually).

7/2020 Our journal paper, "Assessments of Data Centers for Provision of Frequency Regulation," was accepted for publication in in Applied Energy.

7/2020 Dr. Baker gave a keynote speech titled "The Future of ML for Smart Energy Systems" at the International Virtual Conference on AI and ML Applications in Smart Buildings.

7/2020 In collaboration with the University of Texas at Dallas, our two-part journal paper, "Data-based distributionally robust stochastic optimal power flow," was awarded the best paper award for IEEE Transactions on Power Systems for papers published between 2017-2019, one of only seven papers to receive the honor. [Announcement]

6/2020 Dr. Baker is now a Fellow of the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI).

6/2020 Our journal paper, "Evaluation of Low-Exergy Heating and Cooling Systems and Topology Optimization for Deep Energy Savings at the Urban District Level" was accepted for publication in Energy Conversion and Management.

5/2020 Dr. Baker gave a seminar on how COVID-19 is affecting the electric power grid. [Video]

5/2020 Dr. Baker is now an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid and IEEE Power Engineering Letters.

5/2020 In collaboration with Delft University of Technology, our journal paper, "A Coordination Mechanism for Reducing Price Spikes in Distribution Grids", was accepted for publication in Energies.

4/2020 Dr. Baker received the AREN Faculty Appreciation Award, voted on by undergraduates. Thank you!

4/2020 Our journal paper, "Convex Relaxation of Grid-Connected Energy Storage System Models with Complementarity Constraints in DC OPF," was accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid!

3/2020 Dr. Baker is a Guest Editor for a special issue "Special Issue "Building-to-Grid Integration through Intelligent Optimization and Control" in the journal Energies.

2/2020 Our ARPA-E Grid Optimization Competition team, Tartan Buffs, led by Dr. Baker, scored in the top ten in all categories with an award of $400,000! [Update: This position has been filled.] [ Press Release by the US Secretary of Energy] [CU Article]

2/2020 Our proposal "Optimal Co-Design of Integrated Thermal-Electrical Networks and Control Systems for Grid-interactive Efficient District (GED) Energy Systems" was funded for $4.16M to CU Boulder, led by Wangda Zuo. [Update: This position has been filled.] [Press Release]

11/2019 Congratulations to PhD student Kaitlyn Garifi for successfully passing her Comprehensive Exam!

10/2019 Dr. Baker and students travelled to Fort Collins to visit Colorado State University. Dr. Baker gave a seminar on her group's research.

10/2019 Dr. Baker travelled to the IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing conference in Pittsburgh, PA and presented work on learning warm start points for AC OPF.

10/2019 Dr. Baker gave a seminar at Carnegie Mellon University.

9/2019 Congratulations to PhD student Amy Allen for successfully passing her Comprehensive Exam!

8/2019 Dr. Baker traveled to Lehigh University and chaired and organized a session on Energy optimization at the Model and Optimization: Theory and Applications (MOPTA) conference.

8/2019/ Dr. Baker and Kaitlyn Garifi attended the IEEE Power and Energy Society general meeting in Atlanta. Dr. Baker chaired a session on smart buildings and loads and Kaitlyn presented her research.

7/2019 Welcome PhD students Jacob Kravits and Sung Min Kim to the team! They will be co-advised by Prof. Joe Kaspryzk.

5/2019 We were awarded a $45,682 seed grant through the CU Boulder Water Energy Nexus for our project, "Drought-Contingent Regional Coordination of Thermoelectric Power Plants," with Kasprzyk (PI), Baker, Livneh, and Stillwell (UIUC).

4/2019 The CU Boulder team, advised by Dr. Baker, received the Most Innovative Design award at the NASA BIG Idea Challenge! [Article] [Picture]

4/2019 Students Kaitlyn Garifi and Amy Allen presented their research at the Rosenfeld Symposium in Berkeley, CA.

4/2019 Dr. Baker attended the Autonomous Energy Systems Workshop in Golden, CO.

4/2019 Congratulations to Zac Peterson for successfully defending his Masters thesis!

4/2019 We attended the 2019 Architectural Engineering Institute conference and Amy and Sameera presented their research.

4/2019 We attended the 2019 Century Energy Transition Symposium in Denver, CO. [Pic]

3/2019 Our journal paper, Joint Chance Constraints in AC Optimal Power Flow: Improving Bounds through Learning", was approved for publication in IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

3/2019 A very nice article about Dr. Baker's new class, Grid Connected Systems, was published. [Link]

11/2018 Dr. Baker presented our work at IEEE GlobalSIP (Anaheim, CA) and INFORMS (Phoenix, AZ).

11/2018 Dr. Baker (PI) and Dr. Mohammadi (Carnegie Mellon) were one of ten teams selected to receive funding to participate in the ARPA-E Grid Optimization (GO) Competition and will receive $249,178 to develop algorithms to improve the operation of the electric power grid. [Press Release] [CU article] 9/2018 Our paper, "Joint Chance Constraints Reduction through Learning in Active Distribution Networks," was accepted for presentation at the 6th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP).

9/2018 Dr. Baker gave a talk titled "Chance Constraints for Smart Grids and Smarter Buildings," to the Statistics, Optimization, and Machine Learning Seminar at CU Boulder.

8/2018 Our journal paper, "MAFSA: Mars Autonomous and Foldable Solar Array," was accepted for publication in New Space.

6/2018 Our abstract, "Operating Under Uncertainty in Smart Communities," was accepted for Oral Presentation a the 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting.

4/2018 PhD Student Kaitlyn Garifi received the 2018 ECEE Department Silver Award for Research. Congrats Kaitlyn!

3/2018 Our paper, "Power Signature Obfuscation using Flexible Building Loads," was a honorable mention for Best Paper Award at the 2018 Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) Workshop in Austin, TX. [Video]

3/2018 The CU Boulder NASA BIG Idea team, led by Dr. Baker, placed second during the final competition at NASA Glenn. The students were awarded internships at NASA. [NASA Press Release]

2/2018 Dr. Baker (PI) and Dr. Frongillo (co-PI) were awarded $19,197 through the University of Colorado, Boulder, for their project "Reducing Water Consumption via Free Market Renewable Integration." [link]

12/2017 The CU Boulder NASA BIG Idea Challenge team, advised by Dr. Baker, has been accepted as one of the final 5 teams to pitch their idea for a Martian solar array to NASA in person! Press release here, article here.

11/2017 Our abstract, "A Guide for the use of Internet Memes in Engineering Education," has been approved for the 2018 American Society of Engineering Education Zone IV Conference.

9/2017 Our paper, "Efficient Relaxations for Joint Chance Constrained AC Optimal Power Flow" was listed as the third most popular article on social media from Elsevier's Electric Power Systems Research Journal.

9/2017 PhD Student Kaitlyn Garifi received the Strauch Family Graduate Fellowship. Congrats Kaitlyn!

8/2017 Dr. Baker started as an Assistant Professor of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering at CU Boulder.

9/2018 Dr. Baker gave a talk titled "Chance Constraints for Smart Grids and Smarter Buildings," to the Statistics, Optimization, and Machine Learning Seminar at CU Boulder.

8/2018 Our journal paper, "MAFSA: Mars Autonomous and Foldable Solar Array," was accepted for publication in New Space.

6/2018 Our abstract, "Operating Under Uncertainty in Smart Communities," was accepted for Oral Presentation a the 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting.

4/2018 PhD Student Kaitlyn Garifi received the 2018 ECEE Department Silver Award for Research. Congrats Kaitlyn!

3/2018 Our paper, "Power Signature Obfuscation using Flexible Building Loads," was a honorable mention for Best Paper Award at the 2018 Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) Workshop in Austin, TX. [Video]

3/2018 The CU Boulder NASA BIG Idea team, led by Dr. Baker, placed second during the final competition at NASA Glenn. The students were awarded internships at NASA. [NASA Press Release]

2/2018 Dr. Baker (PI) and Rafael Frongillo (co-PI) were awarded $15,697 through the University of Colorado, Boulder, for their project "Reducing Water Consumption via Free Market Renewable Integration." [link]

12/2017 The CU Boulder NASA BIG Idea Challenge team, advised by Dr. Baker, has been accepted as one of the final 5 teams to pitch their idea for a Martian solar array to NASA in person! Press release here.

11/2017 Our abstract, "A Guide for the use of Internet Memes in Engineering Education," has been approved for the 2018 American Society of Engineering Education Zone IV Conference.

9/2017 Our paper, "Efficient Relaxations for Joint Chance Constrained AC Optimal Power Flow" was listed as the third most popular article on social media from Elsevier's Electric Power Systems Research Journal.

9/2017 PhD Student Kaitlyn Garifi received the Strauch Family Graduate Fellowship. Congrats Kaitlyn!

8/2017 Dr. Baker started as an Assistant Professor of Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering at CU Boulder.

6/2017 Dr. Baker presented and participated in the Mathworks Research Summit in Newton, MA.

4/2017 The smart home energy management controller/optimizer we designed was featured in Denver's "5280" Magazine! [Picture]
2/2017 Our paper, "Modeling Stationary Lithium-Ion Batteries for Optimization and Predictive Control," won Best Paper Award at the 2017 IEEE Power and Energy Conference at Illinois (PECI).

12/2016 Dr. Baker presented our paper, "Adaptive Optimal Power Flow for Distribution Systems under Uncertain Forecasts," at the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control in Las Vegas, NV.

11/2016 Dr. Baker presented our paper, "Frequency Regulation Services from Connected Residential Devices," at ACM BuildSys, at Stanford, CA.

10/2016 Dr. Baker was awarded NREL's "Employee of the Month" for my work on designing an intelligent home energy management system.
